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Status update: the NetBeans plugin is not being actively developed. If you are interested in experimenting with AspectJ in NetBeans, download one of the 1.1.1 release below. If you want to develop with AspectJ in NetBeans use the Ant support for the command line compiler, or Eclipse plugin (both linked below). If you are interested in better AspectJ support for NetBeans please let me or the netbeans.org organization know. -- Mik Kersten |
AspectJtm is a seamless aspect-oriented extension to the Javatm programming language. To build AspectJ programs and navigate crosscutting structure within the NetBeans IDE, download a distribution below and see the documentation. AspectJ documentation and examples are available on the AspectJ project page.
AspectJ for NetBeans is licensed under the Mozilla Public License. The binary distributions of AspectJ for NetBeans 1.1 and later include binaries for AspectJ itself, which are licensed under the CPL. Source code for AspectJ is available from the AspectJ project page.
Users wanting to contribute feedback should use the bug tracker. To submit AspectJ or compiler bugs, please use the AspectJ bug database (product AspectJ).
Developers wanting to fix bugs or add features can find the source code and contact the project developers from the developer's page.
Distributions |
AJDE for NetBeans, v1.1.1: supports AspectJ 1.1.1, Forte 3 and higher, and NetBeans 3.5.x. To install unzip the bundle and follow the "readme" instructions. To get source code via CVS go to the developer's page. |
AJDE for NetBeans, v1.1rc2: supports AspectJ 1.1rc2, Forte 3 and higher, and NetBeans up to 3.5. To install unzip the bundle and follow the "readme" instructions. To get source code via CVS go to the developer's page. |
AJDE for NetBeans, v1.1b4: supports AspectJ 1.1b4, Forte 3 and higher, and NetBeans up to 3.4. To install unzip the bundle and follow the "readme" instructions. To get source code via CVS go to the developer's page. |
AJDE for NetBeans. v1.0.6: supports AspectJ 1.0, Forte 3 and higher, and NetBeans up to 3.3.2 (does not support NetBeans 3.4). Invoke the GUI installer with the command: java -jar ajde-forteModule-1.0.6.jar |
AspectJ for NetBeans is part of a larger AspectJ and aspect-oriented programming community. See below for more information on related projects and tools.
Links |
AspectJ is a seamless aspect-oriented extension to the Java programming language. The AspectJ project provides the core tools, documentation, and community resources. |
AspectJ for JBuilder provides a JBuilder OpenTool to integrate AspectJ with Borland's JBuilder IDE, using the same AJDE API's as AspectJ for NetBeans. |
AspectJ for Emacs provides lisp extensions to Emacs java-mode or JDEE to integrate AspectJ with Emacs. This is based not on the AJDE API's but on the -emacssym compiler option producing .ajesym files with the structure model in emacs lisp form. |
NetBeans is a great open-source IDE and the reason this project is here. |
SunOne/Studio 4 is Sun Microsystem's commercial rendition of NetBeans (earlier versions were called Forte). |
PARC started the AspectJ project and links papers, slides, and the AspectJ tutorial. |
AOSD.net hosts discussions and lists related resources for those interested in aspect-oriented software development. |
Aspect-Oriented Programming with Sun(tm)ONE Studio is a popular article by Vaughn Spurlin. |